Adults in our community come from all walks of life. Some grew up here in Seattle. Others came from other places in the country or the world. Some work away from home, and others are full-time stay-at-home moms or dads. Some are single, some are not. Our trades and professions vary. We include
the richer and the poorer. You get the picture. Really though, none of this is what we’re all about…
We are about following Jesus and doing life together, no matter what our differences. Sharing meals and possessions. Comparing and sharing ideas. Supporting those who are hurting, or in need. Throwing parties, taking time, loving our kids and praying together. We volunteer and pitch in to make our Sunday gatherings and other events happen. In small groups we serve one another and get involved, both locally and globally. The bottom line is, at OneLife you’ll find friends who encourage each other to grow, to change, to try new things, and to act on what we say we believe.
OneLife includes a growing number of college students and young adults. On Sundays our young adults are fully integrated into all aspects of what is happening. Some have fun helping with our KidsLife classes. Some are on the worship team. Others are there just as part of the family, participating in the worship and teaching time and being in community after the service during our post service refreshments time.
We also have young adult core groups meeting mid-week, both on and off campus. Usually 6-8 people, these groups are student led and create space for more in-depth conversation and questions about Jesus, the Bible, spirituality and life in general.
We have a lot of great ways for the women of OneLife and their friends to connect including regularly scheduled “ladies night out events,” retreats, women’s core groups, and more. If you are interested in getting involved or would like more information about the up coming events please contact us by clicking HERE.
We have a lot of great ways for the men of OneLife and their friends to connect including regularly scheduled “guy’s night out events,” sporting events, retreats, men’s core groups, pub nights, and more. If you are interested in getting involved or would like more information about any up coming men’s events please contact us by clicking HERE.