If you’re joining us ONLINE, make sure to log in, join the chat, fill out a Digital Connection Card, take advantage of our live prayer app, grab some elements for communion, & if you have children, make sure to check out our KidsLife Online Resources!
If you’re in person, make yourself at home, grab communion elements, & fill out your connection card found on your seat. If you need a Bible, we have some at the back table in the sanctuary. We hope you enjoy your time with us!
KidsLife Kits are available in the sanctuary for children to use during our worship time. These kits have bulletins, activities, crayons, etc. that are tied to our curriculum. Then, at the break, Parents can walk your child to the Upper Fireside room (when exiting the sanctuary head to the right towards the restrooms. The room is the first door on your right opposite stairs), please sign in your PreS-5th grader to our KidsLife program with their respective Teachers. There will be a clipboard to use to sign-in & sign out your child at the end of the service.
Students participate in our main worship & prayer service until the break. Then they head downstairs to the Youth Room [located in the lower west side of the building] for games, prayer, & age-appropriate teaching about Jesus.
Join us every Sunday morning in person or online at 10am for our Worship Service. Each week we have an awesome time of worship, prayer, communion, great age appropriate classes for kids & youth, engaging adult teaching from the Bible, & time to connect with others over refreshments afterwards.
We would love for you to join us.
We are excited to continue our study in the sermon on the mount for the lenten season. During it we will be looking at various lenten themes that come up within it. Themes include ask, seek, & knock, prayer, fasting, treasures in heaven, judging others, & worry. This year we are asking everyone to read through the sermon on the mount every day during lent. We hope you'll invite your friends & plan to join us for what is sure to be some
transformative times in the scriptures!
Can you believe it? The season of Lent is here! Lent originated in the early centuries of church history as a time of preparation for Easter. It begins with Ash Wednesday and lasts until Holy Saturday, the Saturday before Easter. The last week of Lent is called Holy Week, which includes both Maundy Thursday (commemorating the institution of the Lord's Supper) and Good Friday (commemorating the crucifixion of our Lord). Reminiscent of Israel’s forty years in the wilderness and Jesus’ forty days of fasting in the wilderness, the Lenten season, not counting Sundays, lasts forty days. Sundays are not included because the Lord’s Day, according to church tradition, is never a fast day but always a feast day, a celebration of the resurrection. This year we have created a number of free downloadable lenten resources for you to use & we've also planned a number of lenten services.
Are you interested in American Sign Language? Would you like to communicate with the members of New Hope Deaf Church, which meets Sunday mornings in our building? Starting this Sunday March 9th through Sunday April 6th, after church at 11:45 am, Lauren Heerschap will be teaching a free 45 minute ASL class in the sanctuary. Come when you can.
Light lunch provided.
Yes you heard that right.
OneLife turns 50 in fall 2025 & we are looking for people who want to help plan for an awesome celebration. If you are interested please use the Connection Card to let us know or talk to Linda Carlson!
In honor of Martin Luther King's legacy we partnered with other area churches & organizations from the community to help collect 200 new clean blankets for those in need in our neighborhood. Thank you to everyone who participated in the blanket drive! We were able to deliver 25 brand new blankets towards the goal, & more importantly, we were able to bless people in need in our community! But, we heard they still need more blankets. If you want to donate new/wrapped blankets just bring them to OneLife & we will make sure they get distributed appropriately!
Our goal for 2025 is to have everyone involved in a core group. Core groups along with participation on Sundays & in a ministry are the best ways to get connected with other people, share life, & following Jesus together. If you are interested, please indicate that on your connection card & include your contact info & days/times you are available. If you are interested in facilitating a group, let us know that as well.
For more information contact Greg Di Loreto HERE. Thanks for being part of OneLife.
Our Dinner Church meets every Monday night providing a free warm meal to all who need it at Magnuson Park. They can always use more help in serving & financial gifts go to help feed many in need. It also helps us deepen our relationship with the Magnuson Park community. If you’d like more info or you’re interested in helping email us HERE or go to the Dinner Church Website.
Looking for a simple way to connect with others? Why not join Greg outside of Cafe Javasti in the future park site? Greg Di Loreto will be there Thursday mornings from 8:30-9:30 rain or shine. There is some seating but you could also bring a camping chair, umbrella, etc. Anyone is welcome to join!
We can't do the ministry God calls us to without the faithful consistent giving of our OneLife friends & family.
Online giving is both the easiest & the best way to support all things OneLife. Simply click the give button.
Monthly Operating Budget | $34,400.00
Total Income | Giving | Rent | JANUARY 2025 | $38,533.00
Total Income | Giving | Rent | FEBRUARY 2025 | $32.279.22
Monthly Missions Budget | $2,400.00
Total Missions Income | Giving | JANUARY 2025 | $2,820.00
Total Missions Income | Giving | FEBRUARY 2025 | $3,010.10
We believe prayer is a central faith practice & as a result, each week, our prayer team is available to pray with anyone who would like it. This is for 1st time guests, long time members, those following Christ, or seeking, & kids too. Whatever it is you’re carrying; we have people who want to join you in bringing it before God. While our service is live all our online guests have to do is click the REQUEST PRAYER button in the left side of the chat on our ONLINE PLATFORM. This will automatically create a private prayer chat lime with our prayer team members who are ready to pray with & for you in the order in which it was received. If you are here in the building, our prayer team is here to pray with you as well.
We make space for communion every week to remember the incarnation of Jesus Christ & what he did on the cross for each of us. As we take the bread & the cup, we remember God’s unconditional love & forgiveness for all. If you are an online guest, we recommend you grabbing something to use that symbolizes the bread & the cup & join us. After communion has been introduced in the service, you are welcome to come & take the communion elements whenever you are ready to do so. Whatever your age, whether this is your first time or you’re a member, whether or not you feel like you deserve it: the table is open to EVERYONE.